Domain One – Management and Organisation
   To build a professional learning community
        1.1 To strengthen middle managers to take up leadership roles
        1.2 To enhance teachers’ professionalism through continuous training, sharing and reflection

Domain Two – Learning and Teaching
   To enhance effectiveness of learning and teaching by cultivating reflective mind and adopting task-oriented strategies
2.1 To nurture students to become self-directed and reflective learners
         2.2 To cater for learners’ diversity through effective teaching strategies

Domain Three – Student Support and School Ethos
   To foster students with positive values and attitudes towards life.
         3.1 To build up students’ resilience and confidence through lifewide learning experiences and exposures
         3.2 To help students develop a healthy lifestyle and live a purposeful life by liaison with different stakeholders

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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