Lumen Accende, Corda Inflamma




Valtorta College's educational philosophy and core values are manifested in our school badge, a symbolic representation of our steadfast commitment to intellectual and moral growth, rooted in the teachings of our Catholic faith.

The symbols – a book and a cross – along with the two Latin inscriptions, speak to the dual pillars that undergird the mission of Valtorta College.

"Lumen Accende"- To Ignite the Light of Knowledge

Just as Christ's divine light illuminates the path forward, we are committed to inspiring our students' intellectual curiosity and expanding their understanding of the world around them through rigorous academic pursuits.

"Corda Inflamma" - To Kindle the Fire of Virtue

Following the example of Jesus's sacrificial love, we strive to cultivate compassion and moral integrity within our students' hearts, empowering them to translate their academic achievements into meaningful service and positive contributions to society.

By embracing these dual aims of intellectual and moral development, we prepare our students not only for academic success, but also for a lifetime of ethical leadership and impactful service.

With the guiding light of Christ's love and a constant commitment to bettering ourselves, Valtortans can achieve remarkable success and become instruments of positive change in our communities and beyond.

  • In silence and in hope shall your strength be. (Isaiah15:30)
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