HKU x VC Digital Storytelling Project

2023-04-20 To 28
Category : School Activity
From 20th to 28th April 2023, all students from Class 4C embarked on a journey of digital storytelling where they researched about issues in some of the world’s least developed countries, wrote proposals, recorded voice-over and produced videos in groups to share with the principal ways to help the needy from their perspective as secondary school students.

Facilitated by Mr Nicholas Mo, Assistant Lecturer from the University of Hong Kong, and Miss Stella Tsui, Class 4C’s English teacher, the workshop spanning over 12 English lessons was a great success, empowering students to produce some of the best videos under the theme, improving their English writing and speaking proficiencies, imparting in students digital literacy and global citizenship, as well as core Catholic values. Mr Mo has successfully adopted a process approach to teaching writing in the classroom, leveraging all students’ potential in English literacy. Our students have reported great enjoyment from the programme and cannot wait to execute their plans in the foreseeable future.

Group 2


Group 6


Behind the scene

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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