2021 Prefect Day Camp

2021-06-30 (Wednesday)
Category : School Activity
The 2021 Prefect Training Day Camp was held successfully on 29th June 2021 at Wu Kai Sha Youth Village.

37 prefects joined the camp, in companion with the discipline teachers and 3 Ex-Head-prefects. The aim of the camp this year is “Courage”. The executive committees of prefect teams have designed plenty of tasks and games for the members so as to improve their courage and leadership. Ranging from problem-solving games to Mission impossible Session (MI). In this camp, all the prefects had tried their best to overcome the difficulties they encountered with their courage, leadership and team spirit. For example, they have impressed their teammates, teachers, and even themselves with their courage to conquer the fear of dark and thrilling tasks in MI and their remarkable problem-solving skills. With this camp, our prefects have a stronger determination to improve themselves and dedication to serve. Many of the participants enjoyed the camp and would like to participate in it again as a member, or even as a leader. Although the camp this year is limited as a one-day camp due to the outbreak of the pandemic, we strongly believed that our prefects have definitely gained a lot from this experience and become a more competent leader in the future.

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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