Carlton Trophy Competition 2019

2019-05-09 (Thursday)
Category : School Activity
In March and April, ten scouts from Valtorta College participated in the Carlton Trophy Competition, the highest level skill competition in the Scout Section in Hong Kong Scouting. Carlton Trophy Competition is held once every three years and demands highest standard of scoutcraft, teamwork, leadership as well as endurance and time management skill. We are pleased to share with you that our team has won the overall first runner-up and championship in backwoods cooking.


Our training and preparation for Carlton Trophy Competition started very early in March 2018. In order to be qualified for Carlton Trophy Competition, we went through the district and regional selection competition last May and November respectively. We won the overall championship in both competitions and advanced successfully to become one of the fifteen patrols competing in Carlton Trophy Competition.


24th of March was the Field Day of the competition, in which we had the competition on backwoods cooking in the morning and outdoor challenge in the afternoon.  We had to set fire by using the wooden stick and coal.  We then needed to roast chicken, fish, bread, egg, etc within 120 minutes.  The outdoor challenge tested participants’ intellect as well as physical endurance, but was quite enjoyable actually. We were given coordinates to plot a route and had to complete tasks on the way.


The camping was held in Tai Tam Scout Centre on 20th and 21st of April. The weather was poor on the first day but it could not dampen our spirits, even if the red rainstorm signal and thunderstorm warning were in force in the afternoon. The downpour and howling winds destroyed all fifteen campsites indifferently, afterwards we were given three hours to rebuild everything and the competition resumed. There were hardships, tears and frustrating moments, however, we have overcome them together in a team, because we all believe that “winners are not people who never fail, but people who never give up”.


We were honoured to have our principal, Ms Ho, to join us at the Award Presentation Ceremony and witnessed the unforgettable moment. We were announced to get the first runner-up, several of us bursted into tears and that feeling of overwhelming joy was simply indescribable.


We would like to thank our scout leaders for the time and effort they contributed to train us for the past fourteen months and their endless faith on us. Thank you for demonstrating in person for the leadership skills and all the other things we learnt, thank you for giving us the unforgettable journey and the personal growth we experienced, and thank you, for always believing in us and supporting us.

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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