The Scout Investiture and Promotion Ceremony

2017-12-16 (Saturday)
Category : School Activity
The Annual Scout Investiture and Promotion Ceremony was held on 16th December, 2017. Our principal, Ms. Ho, joined us, together with parents and other guests, to witness one of the most significant occasion in the life of a Scout.

New members made the Scout Promise in the ceremony in front of the leaders and other members, and at once, they would be acknowledged as a Scout by all the Scouts of the world. This year, 17 boys and girls were invested. During the investiture, they were presented the Group scarf and a green Scout Beret. By then they would be permitted to wear the scarf as they are now our formal members.

Another important part of the event was the appointment of the patrol leaders. Patrol is the basic unit of scout troop, and each is led by their own patrol leader and assistant patrol leader, while the senior patrol leader assistants troop leaders to lead all patrols. This year, 10 members were appointed as the patrol leaders.

Furthermore, several awards were presented in the ceremony. They were the Champion Trophy of the New Territories East Scout Craft Competition, the Champion Trophy of the New Territories East Footdrill Competition, and the Chief Scout’s Award, the highest achievements in Scout sections.

By the end of the ceremony, all guests, parents and scouts cut a cake to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the scout group. This warm and joyful cake cutting ceremony marked an end of the annual scout investiture and promotion ceremony, and also the beginning of our new members’ Scouting journeys.

Check out more photos of past events in our Facebook and Instagram page:

Facebook :    11th Tai Po South Group
Instagram :    vcscout11

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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