Scout Rally

2017-10-29 (Sunday)
Category : School Activity
29 October 2017 was a big day of Hong Kong Scouting as well as our Scout Group. Over 20,000 scouts gathered at the Hong Kong Stadium to join the Hong Kong Scout Rally 2017. All the scouts were reaffirming the Scout promises under the witness of the Chief Scout of Hong Kong, the Hon Mrs Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the HKSAR.

During the Scout Rally, presentation of the highest scout award was one of the momentous moment to all the Scouts.  This year, five scouts from our Scout Group have achieved the Chief Scout’s Award, the highest award in the Scout Section which aims at developing leadership and a sense of responsibility .  They are WONG Pei-qiao (F.6) , HO Wan-chun (F.6), LI Yuen-tung (F.5), YAU Tsz-yau (F.4) and TSUI Sin-ying (F.4).  Congratulations to all of them!

This year, our Scout Group was once again nominated as the Outstanding Group.  Applaud to all the Scout Leaders and Scout members who endeavored themselves to the TPS 11 Scouting!

Check out more photos of past events in our Facebook and Instagram page:

Facebook :    11th Tai Po South Group
Instagram :    vcscout11

  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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