24-06-05 Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone: Presented by the winning team of the Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition

24-05-28 國旗下的講話:傳統文化現代發展

28-05-24 週會分享 --- 勤勞

24-05-28 Book Sharing by Luk Man Chi - This Is Going To Hurt

24-05-16 「國家安全領域虛擬遊設計比賽」一等獎 週會得獎分享

24-05-16 「國家安全領域虛擬遊設計比賽」一等獎 週會得獎分享

24-04-24 國旗下的講話:中國傳統美食

24-04-24 世界閲讀日宣傳活動(2024)

24-04-24 好書推介

24-04-16 book sharing Atomic Habits by Alice Wong

24-04-08 週會分享 --- 守法

24-04-08 國民身份認同、國際視野與國家最新發展

24-04-08 Book Sharing - Moby Dick by Herman Melville

24-03-14 English Week 2024 - English Fun Fair

24-03-06  國旗下的講話: 國家體育比賽成就

24-02-27  國旗下的講話: 國家如何走上小康社會之路

24-2-27  Choral Speaking Performance

24-2-6  週會分享 --- 誠信

24-2-6  Student Book Sharing - F5 Chan Lok Yung Alvin

24-2-6  細看大灣區新機遇考察之旅

2024-1-29 中華經典誦讀港澳展演會

24-1-29  國旗下的講話: 農曆新年傳統的現代發展

24-1-29 週會 校長分享 誠信

24-1-19 週會 校長分享

24-1-19 週會分享: 承擔精神

23-12-15 中華文化 (節日,茶道,書法) 分享

23-12-5 「開拓前路分享會」分享

23-12-6 香港保衛戰紀

23-11-23 Book Sharing by Wu Pandy Pui Ching - Steve Jobs

23-11-15 汲古通今──蝴蝶谷讀寫文學營

23-11-15 Respect for others

23-11-3 Promotion of English Society

23-11-3 Book Sharing on 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time'

23-11-3 F6 Tsin Yu Hei

23-10-19 國旗下的講話:中國傳統文化

23-10-11 香港故宮學生文化大使活動分享

23-10-11 Joint School Macua Pilgrimage

23-9-28 國旗下的講話--科技推動國家癹展‧中港同賀十一國慶

23-9-28 Book sharing -- When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalanithi) by F6 Bernize Lin, Ella Wen

23-9-20 北京姊妹學校交流分享

  • Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence* of things not seen.(Hebrews 11:1)
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