Award in Robofest Hong Kong2024-05-21
Our Robotics Club joint Robofest Hong Kong UMC Senior and Robofest Hong Kong App Senior organized by Lawrence Technological University and got outstanding performance.
Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad2024-04-24
On 3rd February 2024, some of our students had joined the Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology of The Education University of Hong Kong and the Mathematics Education Section of the Education Bureau.
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2023 (Hong Kong Region)2024-04-24
On 17th December 2023, some of our students had joined the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2023 (Hong Kong Region) organized by the Olympiad Champion Education Group.
Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2023-2024 (Hong Kong Region)2024-01-19
Congratulations to winners of Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2023-2024 (Hong Kong Region)
The Hong Kong Fujian Charitable Education Fund Scholarship 20232023-12-09
We are pleased to announced that 5 of our students were awarded the Hong Kong Fujian Charitable Education Fund Scholarship 2023 of their outstanding academic performance and services.
New Territories Outstanding Student Election 20232023-11-04
Congratulations to our student TSUI YING SUET of F.4 for standing out in the "New Territories Outstanding Student Election 2023" and winning the honour of "Outstanding Student of the New Territories".
香港廣東社團獎助學金計劃 20232023-11-03
祝賀郭嘉駿同學在「香港廣東社團獎助學金計劃 2023」中獲得獎學金!
The Prize Presentation Ceremony of the Scholarship of Children Charity Foundation (童夢慈善基金會獎學金) was successfully held on 2nd November, 2023.
PolyU Engineering Project Competition 20232023-07-28
Congratulations! 2 Teams of our students participated in PolyU Engineering Project Competition 2023 in July 2023.
2023 World Jump Rope Championships2023-07-16
Award in Robofest Hong Kong UMC Senior2023-05-09
Our Robotics Club joint Robofest Hong Kong UMC Senior organized by Lawrence Technological University and got outstanding performance.
HKU x VC Digital Storytelling Project2023-04-20
From 20th to 28th April 2023, all students from Class 4C embarked on a journey of digital storytelling where they researched about issues in some of the world’s least developed countries, wrote proposals, recorded voice-over and produced videos in groups to share with the principal ways to help the needy from their perspective as secondary school students.
Sports award2023-03-28
The Tai Po Good Student Award Scheme 2022/20232023-02-27
The Tai Po Good Student Award Scheme 2022/2023 was launched. Over 500 students of our students were awarded certificates for their good performance. The Prize Giving Ceremony was held on 27.2.2023. Our Vice Principal Mr. Mok and 3 Form 6 students attended the ceremony.
Youth Arch improvement Award2023-02-13
We are pleased that students 4 form 6 were awarded the Youth Arch improvement Award.
Scholarship from The Hong Kong Fujian Charitable Education Fund2023-02-11
We are glad that 5 of our students were awarded the Scholarship of $5000 from The Hong Kong Fujian Charitable Education Fund for their outstanding performance. The Prize Giving Ceremony was held on 11th February, 2023.
中五陸樂瑤獲頒全國中學生作文大賽香港賽區高中組 旭日文學之星2022-11-05
感創敢為2.0-青年社會創新服務獎2021-2022 (Youth Impact Award)2022-10-08
天主教教會訓導裡, 呼籲人要以貧者為先, 要人善用天主賜予人的資源。 我校中五級同學於去年十月開始,參與由小童群益會及陳廷驊基金會策劃「感創敢為2.0—青年社會創新服務獎」計劃,在校內課堂裡接受設計思維的培訓,就不同社會議題:人口老化、殘疾人士面對的生活困窘、身處不利環境下兒童的成長挑戰進行探討,同學就其中一項議題研發創新點子,並與社群、導師共同構思解決問題的方法,共善社會。
Outstanding Student Election of New Territories 20222022-09-17
In The Outstanding Student Election of New Territories 2022, it is our honour to announce that out of 1000 students coming from 128 secondary schools, 2 of our students have been selected as "Outstanding Student of New Territories".
Speak Out Act Up! competition2022-09-08
Valtortans ARE WINNERS once more in the 2021-2022 Speak Out Act Up! competition organized by the EDB NET Section
  • Lord, you have been our dwelling-place in all generations. (Psalms 90:1)
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